
a little baby girl loved by everyone

jeudi, juillet 06, 2006

funky spike? :D

black and white with Mi Jacky (left) and Jid Tang (middle)

the bottle and I

my 2 first teeth...abit late I know...but don't I look pretty with them?

what am I lookin' at?!

no, not my 4th birthday party, not even my birthday! ;D

mercredi, juin 21, 2006

diurut di rumah Jidah Dodo sama Mbi, abis jatoh...

it's me in the new high chair bought by my grandparents... :D

mardi, juin 13, 2006

Abi - Jidah Dodo - aku, Lebaran 2004

mercredi, mai 24, 2006

Masih botak? Oh no...

I'm the happy botski!

Oh piglet...what've you done to meee?

go piglet...gooo...!!! I love you, piglet!

vendredi, mars 24, 2006

Ini Njidku...Jid Alwi...

Aku sayang Jid Alwi...

Aku lagi akikah nih... Aku di antara hadiah2nya...

Aku paling seneng juga bobo dalam pelukan Bunda... Ik houd zo veel van jou, Bunda...

Aku dan Abi tersayang...

Aku di atas Bunda... Aku paling suka bobo di atas Bunda, sampe sekarang (aku 1 thn 9 bulan dg berat 15kg)

aku dan pita biru...cantik ya?

ini aku dan Idang, temanku... Idang itu anaknya Tante Ari, sahabat Bunda... Bunda sering cerita tentang Idang, Aku senang denger cerita tentang Idang :D

ini tanganku...

ini kakiku...

jeudi, mars 23, 2006

Ini bulu mataku... Bunda itu terobsesi dengan bulu mata lentik... Kayaknya sih aku nggak lentik2 banget... ;D

Bunda dan si anak ala India...

India banget ya kesannya? :D Padahal sbetulnya aku lagi cekutan. Kata orang dulu, kalo cekutan dikasih sirih atau kertas di jidat...

mardi, mars 21, 2006

The white-pinky ribbon belongs to me but it's Bunda who did it to me...

However, I look cute, don't I?

vendredi, juillet 15, 2005

my early days...

ah, nobody...not surprised, not afraid anymore...smileeee!!!
my early days...

ooo...who's that? kind of surprised...
my early days...

sleeping i used to love sleeping
my early days...

jeudi, juillet 07, 2005

hairy me...
my early days...

me, being kurcaci...
my early days...

mardi, juillet 05, 2005

calmer with abi by my side...
my early days...

calm already
my early days...

i dont know why i cried...hungry? thirsty?
my early days...

vendredi, juillet 01, 2005

another day as laura...
my early days...

sleeping after taking my hand out of the bedong...
my early days...

bedonged after bathing...
my early days...

just finished bathing...lookd sleepy haye?
my early days...

jeudi, juin 30, 2005

a sleeping beauty riht in front of u...
my early days...

it's me in the bedong...know what, that bedong only works when i am asleep...hahaha...
my early days...

mardi, juin 28, 2005

sooo happy...too bad it's not so clear, coz Abi used his mobile phone to take this u, Abi Dee
my early days...

happily smiling...look like a boy, don't I?
my early days...

one of my first smile...
my early days...

vendredi, juin 24, 2005

that's my beloved Jidah Uyut...

bunda, i think i was too young to wear that hello kitty bandana...

jeudi, juin 23, 2005

I was at home Jidah Emma's arms...

ohh glad to be in bunda's arms, no more cry...that's in front of the lift of the hospital, ready 2 go home!

ready to go home...but why did I cry?

mercredi, juin 22, 2005

Know what, it's not the usual baby room, it's PERINA.